Lisa Kelly is making her way through college, hanging on to a codependent relationship she no longer really wants to be in for the sake of its familiarity.
Daniel is a fellow student, a stranger, and nothing more than a blip on her radar until one day, she discovers something about him that makes him more than a blip, and she starts wondering what it would be like to be with him.
She is terrified to even think about leaving her possessive boyfriend and losing all that comes with him: the easy companionship, all their mutual friends, and her carefully constructed social life.
But thoughts of Daniel begin consuming her so much, she writes a passionate poem about it to purge, hoping that putting her feelings and confusion out into the universe will help bring clarity.
The morning after she writes her poem, however, she realizes something odd: she starts hearing things as if by telepathy—a voice seeming to come from Daniel, telling her how much he wants her, letting her know it’s safe to leave her boyfriend and try her luck with him.
She wonders if Daniel is there just to remind her that there is life beyond her dead relationship, that possibilities abound in the real world.
But what about the voice she has started hearing? Is her mind playing tricks on her? Has wanting Daniel made her fool myself into thinking what she wishes he would say is what he is actually thinking? Or is Daniel really the one, and the universe has found an odd way to get the message to her?
A BWWM Interracial Romance, “Leap of Faith” is a novelette of about 14,000 words. It is a light tale of budding romance with a dash of telepathy, and the second in the sci-fi Bite-Sized Romance series.
Released 1/8/14, and currently available on Amazon and other channels!